A lot of people are experiencing starvation these days, thus fortunate ones are doing ways how to help feed the hungry. Starvation is common in third world countries where poverty is a big issue. Due to the increasing poverty rate, adults and children suffered tremendously -they have not enough money to sustain their living, even buying their basic needs. The natural resources from their environment are their only sources of basic needs. Unfortunately, these natural resources were taken away by private sectors.
Food is one of the basic needs of people, but for the less fortunate ones they cannot afford even buying their own food, thus they suffered from starvation. According to statistics, over 500 million people in the Asia, Africa, and Latin America are living in absolute poverty; at the same time they are the ones who are hungry and begging for help.
Every year, about 15 million children die because of hunger. How miserable and hopeless they are because they are deprived from food. The World Health Organization stated that one-third of the world's population is well fed, one-third is under-fed, and another one-third is starving. There is estimation that one in twelve people all over the world is malnourished. There are 160 million children less than 5 years of age suffering from malnourishment due to massive starvation.
People die from starvation due to the diseases it brings. The primary result of excessive and frequent hunger will result into malnourishment, where body has not enough nourishment to use in order to perform normal functioning. Therefore, the body will become more vulnerable to diseases. Their immune system will decline, making them more prone or high risk to infections and other communicable diseases like Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Hepatitis, and many more. For malnourished children they will experience Kwashiorkor and Marasmus. These disorders will then result to more fatal diseases that may lead to death.
For more fortunate ones that have the capacity to help feed the hungry do not hesitate to render your kind help. There are many ways to show your concern for these people. Help feed the hungry through donating food or money. There are numerous organizations that were created to give more focus in helping the hungry people in order to lessen the rate of worldwide starvation. These organizations can be a way in lending your kind help through donations. A little sacrifice and way of help can be considered a big contribution in alleviating their hunger. Moreover, the impact of your help will strengthen the campaign of alleviating world hunger, hence start moving now, and help feed the hungry.
We offer a simple way on how to help people who are most in need at Help Feed the Hungry. This article is written by Michael T Spencer I.
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Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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